Les Folies Bourgeoises is a Brussels nomadic concept: these exceptional evenings have been organized in various locations in Brussels (Mirano, jeux d’hiver, Gesù Church) and abroad (The Forge Miami Beach, Queen Club in Paris and Cirque Du Soir, London). Now new dates are coming up in New York, Marrakech, Athens, etc. The aim of the Folies Bourgeoises is to instill magic and glamour into a nightlife often limited to electro and minimalistic concepts. To do so, we select a theme where elegance and festive aspects are essential and we implement it by offering decorations, accessories and various performances to create a special environment. We are very much concerned about the well-being of our clients; therefore, according to the event, we provide hair dressers and make-up artists in order to maintain the glitz and glamour spirit which governs our parties. Many animations and art performances complete the magic of the Folies Bourgeoises such as air shows, fire-eaters, waders... We work with the best Brussels DJ’s to give our audience a musical environment of the best quality, and always festive.

Folies Bourgeoise: Profetie
Zondag 21 april in de Spirito

Deze Paaszondag, dag voor een feestdag, zullen de getrouwen het beloofde land vinden in de Spirito.

Een vloed van verleiding zal de feesttempel overspoelen en de meest deugdzamen tot zoete zonden uitnodigen.

Gekleed in goud of zwart, wordt één met onze DJ's tijdens deze feestelijke Hoogmis en klim tot in de zevende hemel.

✝️ INFOS ✝️

DRESS CODE : Gold or black
ENTRANCE: 5 euros before midnight, 10 euros after midnight
PARKING : Valet Parking

✝️ CLUB ✝️

Open at 9PM

Stassart Street 18, 1050 Brussels

The management reserves the right of entrance


William : +32 476 62 85 87
François : +32 479 11 54 25

Abdess: +32 485 81 80 40
John: +32 486 16 86 86
Kevin : +32 474 79 20 45

Folies Bourgeoises: prophecy
Sunday April 21 at Spirito

On this Easter Sunday, day before a holiday, the faithful will find the promised land at Spirito.

A deluge of temptation will flood this party temple and will encourage the most virtuous people to sweet sins.

Dressed in gold or black, enter in communion with our DJs during this festive High Mass and let them guide you to cloud nine.

✝️ INFOS ✝️

DRESS CODE : Gold or black
ENTRANCE: 5 euros before midnight, 10 euros after midnight
PARKING : Valet Parking

✝️ CLUB ✝️

Open at 9PM

Stassart Street 18, 1050 Brussels

The management reserves the right of entrance


William : +32 476 62 85 87
François : +32 479 11 54 25

Abdess: +32 485 81 80 40
John: +32 486 16 86 86
Kevin : +32 474 79 20 45



Rue de Stassart 18
1050 Ixelles